Photograph of angelgirl EVA brushing her hair to the side

about me

I'm a human residing in America. When I'm not living in the digital dimension I spend my time going on long walks, dancing at shows, and philosophizing existence, alone or with friends.

I hope you enjoy your stay on my website here. I've always had some interest in web design and the history of the internet, but I was finally motivated to make a neocities after having a discussion with my friend on how social media (and the fact that it's mainly operated by huge companies) has tainted the internet. The internet can be a truly democratic platform of individual expression and interpersonal collaboration, instead of a notification-based addictive toy where the main goal is to make others jealous of your lifestyle.

Anyway, enough of my grumpy rant. Have fun, and feel free to reach out to me on the neocities hub, via my email, or on Instagram @idyllvisions. I love connecting with new people.